I spent my morning at Gavar's Music School with one of
the social workers from VIA, Narine.
(She's also the girl I go to the gym with) This morning was the most
amazing I have had since I have been here.
I witnessed some incredibly talented women sing and play the piano. And they were excited that I was American and
could communicate with them in Armenian and that I was genuinely interested in
listening to them perform, that I now have an open invitation to visit whenever
I please...so I am going back Monday morning:)
I also let them know that my dad plays the trumpet and they have
extended that invitation to my dad and whoever else comes to visit! Dad, they were besides themselves that you
played, they kept saying shat opres, which means very excellent kind of
literally, but also means they were very pleased:)
So, every day I am finding something else that I am excited
to share with those who are coming to visit and to write about for those who
are interested. I was also given the key
by my NGO two days ago and my director called me Laur-jan. Jan is a huge sign of affection here so it
was major progress. Jan basically means either my Lauren or Lauren dear and it
is a really good thing when someone uses it:)
My relationship with my NGO grows by the day and I am really looking
forward to working with them over the next 2 years. And being able to come into the office, even
if no one else is here, is really great.
It gives me the chance to have somewhat of a schedule which I like and
also gives me the chance to chat with the social workers as they come in here
and there to check-in and drop-off materials.
In fact, that is how I got to go to the musical school today. I was in the office yesterday working and
Narine came in to meet with one of the families she works with. Had I not been here, I certainly would have
missed the opportunity to hang out with her yesterday and to get the invitation
to the school today.
On Wednesday, the day I got the key, I met with several
people from VIA to go over some things. During
that meeting with Rudek, Gegham, and Sat from VIA, we actually got a lot
accomplished. I was able to ask what
they were looking for in a volunteer and we have come to the conclusion that
for now, I will start to work on a capacity assessment tool, start to build
workshops for such things as resume building, computer skills, health, etc, and
I will also start working on lesson plans for an English Club, which will
probably meet once/week and each week will have a theme, book reading, film
viewing, overview of current events, etc.
Next week, there will also be a meeting with all of VIA,, Rudek, Gegham
and all 13 social workers to discuss an annual plan which will certainly clear
a lot of things up too.
Narine and I are headed back to the gym today for our 3:30
class and we are hoping to ask if we can start going everyday:) The whole gym concept is very new here, so
when I originally asked if I could go everyday I think they thought I was
crazy, but now they seem to be warming up to the idea! I am hoping to get a yes before it starts to
get really cold, they have a treadmill and bike which will be great for cardio
and also weight machines and a whole exercise class room (getting a little
ahead of myself, but I have thought about proposing the idea of teaching a
zumba class too!)
I have to say, everyday here Gavar feels more and more like
home, I think this is the best possible placement for me. And, while initially it was difficult not
being around Americans, it's actually pretty tough at first not to have
other Americans around, it has been a blessing in disguise for me. My Armenian has gotten better, I am making
friends, getting to know the culture, and falling in love with Gavar and its
people more and more every day. And the opportunities as a
result of integrating are pretty amazing...sitting in at the music school this
morning was truly one of the coolest experiences I've ever had. One of the girls even got excited to
perform Celine Dion for me and sang My Heart Will Go In, I was blown away with
how good she was.
I have also been able to go to events, picnics, churches, try to play the accordian, and so much more thanks to the wonderfully kind and hospitable Armenians I have met in the short time I have lived in Gavar. I think of how much I have already been exposed to here in less than a month and can't even imagine all of the exciting new experiences awaiting me in the future!

This weekend I am headed to Lake Sevan to spend the weekend
with all of the other volunteers for our official site unlock. We are put on site lock for the first month
to help us with integration and such and now it totally makes sense. While I am excited for this weekend and to
see everyone, I am already a little sad to leave Gavar! But, when I told my host mom Alita I wanted to bring something to share with everyone in Sevan, she got really excited and so for the last few days we have been making home-made pasta sauces, ketchup, and who knows what else. She is turning me into quite the cook and I am loving spending the time in kitchen with her, even though the only extra apron she has is child size so everytime I put it on, I think of Tommy Boy...fat guy in a little coat...haha:)
So that is all for now, happy to report Gavar and I are getting along just fine, hope to write some more soon!
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